Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what i am doing, but later you will understand”

JOHN 13:7




5’ 8” / 130




LIGHT welterweight

Born and raised in Itasca IL, Alec started his journey in 2017 only being 13 years old. It was the night after Richard just fought Danny Morales that Alec had walked up to Richard, and told him his interests in fighting.

Alec is the step child of Richard and the oldest of his six siblings. Maximus was Alec’s brother and he knew fighting for Maximus would be an amazing honor and achievement for him.

Alec won the TBA-SA tournament in Iowa in 2019 and traveled to Thailand January of 2020 where he trained hard and fought a 25 year old man and won. Alec only being 15, he was very proud of his achievement and is striving for success. He says Maximus and Richard have changed his life forever and has developed the discipline and ready for what the sport of fighting has for him in the future.

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